The Princess Bride - Week 1
Minute 1
A sick kid coughing
And playing a baseball game
Mom checks up on him
Minute 2
The Grandpa arrives
With a very special gift
More than a pinched cheek
During Grandpa’s time
Television was called books
And this one is great
Minute 3
Thus begins the book
A classic by Morgenstern
Starring Buttercup
A Florinese girl
Enjoys riding her horse and
Tormenting farmboy
Minute 4
Do this and do that
Commands from the blonde-haired girl
Quoth he, “As you wish.”
Buttercup realizes truth
Finds she loves him, too
Rustic hillside farm
Full of pitchers to be fetched
A budding romance
Minute 5
Interrupted kiss
Confused, bewildered grandson
Asks where the sports are
Incredulous boy
Wants excitement, not kissing
“When does it get good?”
A tearful goodbye
Westley leaves to find fortune
True love will bind them
Minute 6
Sorrowful parting
But encouraged by true love
Have one last embrace
Westley was attacked
By the Dread Pirate Roberts
News of death breaks girl
An odd sentiment
“Murdered by pirates is good!”
From heartless grandson
Upon hearing news
She will never love again
Fast forward five years
Minute 7
Trumpeting fanfare
A pompous declaration
By Prince Humperdinck
Prince will celebrate
Florin’s quincentennial
Marry commoner
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