The Princess Bride - Week 13
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Minute 85
Villain monologue
Inigo clutches abdomen
With blood loss mounting
Princess grasps handle
To plunge dagger into chest
Westley interrupts
Minute 86
Impassioned kissing
From reunited lovers
One barely mobile
Injured Inigo
Parries sword thrusts to shoulders
Recites rehearsed speech
Minute 87
Mantra repeated
Giving strength to Inigo
Momentum has turned
Dueling swords clang
Rugen takes defensive stance
To fend off attack
Rugen is exposed
Receives matching cuts on cheeks
While pleading for life
Count can’t deliver
Inigo’s deepest desire
His father’s life back
Minute 88
Asking forgiveness
Buttercup has married prince
Did not say, “I do.”
Brandishing his sword
Humperdinck steps in to fight
Westley in duel
A fight “To the death!”
Westley insists “To the pain!”
Must explain to prince
Minute 89
“To the pain” explained
Cut off feet, hands, nose, and eyes
Get to keep your ears
Ears are for hearing
Cries of anguish and disgust
From the onlookers
Minute 90
Prince is skeptical
Believes Westley is still weak
In spite of insults
Heroic Westley rises
Levels sword at prince
Humperdinck complies
Taking a cowardly seat
Buttercup binds him
Minute 91
Inigo enters
Directs Buttercup to help
Offers to kill prince
A call from below
Fezzik found four white horses
One for each of them
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