The Princess Bride - Week 3
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Minute 15
The arduous climb
A special harness for three
Do not look below
The man in black climbs
Ascending very quickly
See him close the gap
Minute 16
Vizzini complains
Questions the strength of Fezzik
Must find new giant
Finally reach top
Everybody disembarks
Time to cut the rope
Minute 17
The dagger slices
Cords breaking, unraveling
Rope remnants vanish
Expectant victors
Surprised that he didn’t fall
Hanging by strong arms
Vizzini often exclaims
Lacks understanding
Man in black must die
His identity is moot
Kill him with the sword
Minute 18
The swordsman must choose
If right-handed, done too soon
Left hand, satisfied
Vizzini gives up
Tells Inigo choose his way
Impatiently waits
Fezzik dispenses
Wisdom to his dearest friend
Do not trust masked men
Pleasantries exchanged
Man in black must concentrate
Swordsman practices
Minute 19
Rope or a tree branch
Could help the man in black climb
Just to meet his death
Hard to accept help
From man waiting to kill him
But man hates waiting
As masked man struggles
Inigo offers his word
It’s not good enough
A resolution
He swears on soul of father
Will reach top alive
Minute 20
Struggling to the top
With help from sword-wielding friend
Dumps rocks from his boots
Awkward first question
Checking number of fingers
Masked man confirms five
Minute 21
The story begins
Beautifully crafted sword
Discount demanded
A father murdered
Bereaved son challenged and lost
Two scarred reminders
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